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How to Apply for Registration Certificate for Shops & Establishments
The Shops & Establishments Act, the numerous regulations under it, the records to be maintained and briefly, the procedure of registration and closure. Today, we shall discuss in complete details the procedures involved in getting the registration certificate under the Shops and Establishment Act. Note, every state has its own set of rules and procedures in this category. Below, we give you an overview, but it is advisable to check for the specific provisions at the Registrar’s Office in your state of domicile.
What is an Establishment?
Establishments included in this Act are commercial establishments, residential hotels, restaurants, eating houses, theaters, or other places of public amusement or entertainment. Additionally, other establishments that the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare to be an establishment for the purposes of this Act would then classify as establishments.
What is a Shop?
Shop means any premises:
A shop does not include a factory, a commercial establishment, residential hotel, restaurant, eating house, theater or other place of public amusement or entertainment;
Registration of Shops & Establishments:
As a business owner of a shop or establishment, you are compulsorily required to get the same registered under the Shops and Establishment Act. Here are the specific rules:
Communication of Change to the Inspector:
In case of any change with respect to any of the information given during the application for registration, the same has to be notified to the Inspector’s office within 15 days after the change has taken place. Once again the Inspector will verify the correctness of the details furnished, make the related change in the Register of Establishments, amend the registration certificate or issue a fresh registration certificate, as he may deem fit.
Closing of Establishment to be Communicated to Inspector:
In case you are planning to close down your establishment, within 15 days of closing the establishment, notify to the Inspector in writing the date of such closure and return the registration certificate. After due verification, the Inspector shall remove the name of your establishment from the Register of Establishments and cancel your registration certificate must obtain a digital signature.